
What is EEAT and its impact on SEO

If there is one overriding guideline at Google, it is that we should make the better content for the user. And the addition of a new acronym to the EAT, now already, EEATadds a new nuance to take into account for the SEO of your website

At 2014 was made the first mention of the EATExpertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness, which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness in the Google Quality Guidelines. And to end of 2022 the have updatedincluding a new E, for the experience.

But... where does the EEAT come from?

Although we were talking about 2014, it wasn't really until 2018 that we started talking about EAT in the SEO world.. Google explains: "After identifying relevant content, our systems attempt to prioritise the content that is most useful. To do this, they identify a set of factors that can help determine which content demonstrates expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness.."

With this new update, Google makes its message even clearer. Useful content, made for peopleand that resolve the search intent.

And although is not a positioning factorit is clear to us that Google is going to give it more importance to content that is related to EEAT. Especially in issues that have to do with money, or lifethe acronym YMYL.

eeat seo description

Because not only does the algorithm evaluate the content. So do the quality assessorsThe new system, following very strict standards for doing so. And one of these is going to be the EEAT.

So This needs to be taken into account in the generation of content. If it is accurate, reliable and relevant, there will be no worries. The algorithm, the evaluators, and most importantly, the target audience will like it.

The E for "Experience

The first "E" in the EEAT speaks of the experience of the person writing the content. Consider whether the author has the necessary expertise to speak on the topic in question.

eeat experience

It seems like a no-brainer, but the truth is that so far, Google could consider as valid, for example, a review written by an author who had not tried the product as a review by someone who had actually tried it.

With the addition of this letter we all win. Because what would you rather read a review written by an author who has tried the product, or by someone who hasn't? The answer is clear.

The same is true when we talk about health. Here the EEAT plays a important role. Google is very strict in its content policies in this regard.

The expertise of the person writing content related to this topic has to be vital. It will have to meet the search need of the user who is looking for an answer from a professional. And he/she will have to offer full security to that person, giving him/her truthful content.

For us, the users, it is going to be very important to useful to hear first-hand personal experienceThis type of information shows, with the help of the information provided by the consumer, who has tried a product, done a banking procedure, or undergone an operation. This type of information shows, with a high dose of realitythe experience of the writer.

This "E", if possible, greater importancewith the latest update of Googlethe Product Reviews Update. The product reviews, the e-commerces and referral (affiliate) websites are being affected by the algorithm change.

This amendment seeks originality. That the "experts" have actually tested the product and are not relying on the reviews or information that already exists on the internet.

And for the SEOWill they stop positioning our content? Not at all, because if we write original content and useful for the user, we will continue to position ourselves.

And fear not, you can continue to rely on ChatGPT to improve the SEO of your website. He will be a great partner, but the important thing is certainly that your content meets the user's search intent.

The other "E" in Expertise

In Spanish-speaking countries we may confuse this "E" with "experiencia", but the translation of this "E" would be more closely related to the knowledgeor specialisation.

Expertise eeat seo

To give a clear example that differentiates experience from knowledge, the two "E "s of the EEATWe could talk about health issues. 

In this case, if we want to find out about certain types of medical treatments that are currently available, we would go to medical experts (Expertise). Not forgetting also the personal experience as told by patients who have received the treatment (Experience).

At the SEOthe Expertise provides website authorship in terms of the quality of its contents. An anonymous article will not have the same value as one signed by a professional with more than 20 years of experience.

Such profiles are professionals in your sectorHe has a high level of knowledge on the subject he writes about, and is recognised by his sector. Builds confidence and this is not only good for the algorithm, but also directly benefits the user who consumes that content.

"A" for Authoritativeness

authoritativeness eeat

In this section we refer to the website reputationWithin reputation, there are several aspects to take into account:

  • Incoming links or backlinks: The more links we have, and the more links we have on our topic, greater authority shall transfer.
  • Brand searches: When users search for the name of a specific brand name, it is a a clear sign that they are interested in the content of that website. It therefore increases the search engine trust on the website and improve its ranking in search results.
  • Brand mentions: Not just Google searches, but also simple mentions towards the brand, even without a linkare important.
  • Presence in social networks: Having an active social media presence can increase the visibility of the website and generate referral traffic. If useful and interesting content is shared on social media, users are more likely to click on the links and visit the website. 

This can increase page authority as search engines detect increased referral traffic and engagement on the site.

In addition, social networks can provide social signals which search engines use to assess the relevance and the quality of content. If a website has an active presence on social media and users are sharing, commenting and interacting with its content, it can be a sign that the website is a reliable and valuable source of information.

  • Reviews and recommendations: Both from the Google Business Profileas from any other directory of companies. Mentions and citations will increase the authority of the website.

"T for Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness or trustthe last factor in the acronym EEAT. Indicates the credibility and reliability that conveys the information offered by a website.

trustworthiness eeat seo

It will largely depend on the type of website. For a e-commercefor example, that the purchasing process be insurancewill be a key element of reliability. 

In sectors related to health, or money (YMYL), such as financial, medical, legal information or official and public sites of importance to citizens, is particularly relevant.

In this type of website, the user will have to be provided with information about the author of the content, or the company to which it belongs. These are provide user safety being a transparent website.

How to improve EEAT SEO

If you fear that all the work SEO is put at risk, as your content does not comply with the requirements of EEATDon't worry. Think that starting from a good SEO content strategyyour texts will be useful for the user and for Google..

By creating high quality content, we will be demonstrating the experience on the subject. It is important that authors are recognised experts in the field and that their experience and credentials are mentioned.

In such cases, it is advisable to sign the article and add a box with author's signature.

seo eeat improvement

Includes references and sources in your articles through quality outbound links. Mainly from other recognised websites in the same field. Get mentions in the media can be a big plus.

It reinforces user confidence through the transparency in the information on the site, including clear and accessible privacy policies, and the inclusion of testimonies and reviews of satisfied customers.

It is recommended to keep the site updated with fresh and relevant contentand regularly update old information to keep it current and accurate. In this way, you will be able to easily check that your article is updated and revised according to current knowledge.

The interaction with users through the inclusion of sections on commentsas well as active social networks that allow for more direct and closer communication.

By following these strategies, it is possible to improve the EEAT SEO and increase the website's relevance and visibility in search engines.

Picture of Begoña Ontiveros
Begoña Ontiveros

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