10 SEO guidelines to improve your website or ecommerce
By following a few SEO guidelines we can ensure that our content is Googlefriendly. No one can guarantee you a number 1 position in the search engine, firstly because we have no control over what the competition is doing, but what we can do is create content that is competitive and strives to reach the top of the rankings.
How to do creative SEO to combine data and imagination?
Talking about creative SEO seems a contradiction in itself. To do good SEO we need to have data on our side. In fact, copywriting and SEO don't always get along. While a copy seeks to tell and convey a story in a much more creative way, SEO always [...]
What is dwell time and how to improve it?
Dwell time is one of the most interesting metrics for SEO. It is a concept that arises in the offline world and is transferred to ecommerce before reaching organic positioning. Traditionally, dwell time was the time a person spent looking at a shop window or inside a shop. It is [...]
Keyword research: tools, tips and tricks
Keyword research is one of the pillars of SEO content strategy. Perhaps the most fundamental pillar because it is where the organic positioning work begins. It is true that before we have to have delimited the topics we want to talk about but, equally, keyword research can help us to have a better understanding of [...]
Content for SEO: what is it and how to create it?
Everything you need to know about making content for SEO: titles, images, internal structure, text, links and other technical aspects.
How to make a podcast to promote your business?
Find out how to make a podcast step by step: tools, platforms, script, online or live... Everything you need to get started.