
ChatGPT vs Bard vs Bing Chat: The war of the chatbots

The career of ChatGPT vs Bard vs Bing Chat is more alive than ever. A few days ago, Google announced at its event Google IO the start of the deployment of Bardits chatbot, in more than 180 countries.

They also announced the launch of Google SGEa new search experience with integration of AI-generated results.

If with the bad start it had Bardwe thought that Google had done nothing about it, we were very wrong.

With this announcement, Google wants to catch up with ChatGPT and Bing Chat (which has been implemented by OpenAIas well as ChatGPT) clear competitors, which, as of today, are ahead of it.


For the time being, Bard cannot be used in Spain, but there are already many tricks to "cheat" the system and to be able to try out this chatbot

You can use Google Bard free of charge using a VPN. However, it still does not understand SpanishYou will have to make your enquiry in English, or in any language that supports it.

But in this type of race, nothing, absolutely nothing, is definitive. A few months ago we wondered whether SEO would disappear with ChatGPT, and what we are realising is that actually the SEO will have to be adapted to this paradigm shift that there is no turning back.

ChatGPT, Bard, Bing Chat and its conversational component

As the days go by, we are seeing that every day, we are seeing chatbot evolves in different ways, but they all have in common the conversational component.

They have the capacity to understand the questions and therefore generate responses on a wide range of issues.

They "humanise" searches to a certain extent, as they allow us to interact in a more direct way and, in principle, they should satisfy our intention to search faster and more efficiently.

We believe that this conversational component may be one of the most attractive factors for the public to use. By having the impression that you are "conversing" with someone, you feel that your question, doubt or request will be answered more accurately.

But this need not always be the case.

Access to up-to-date data and sources

In this respect, the free version of chatGPT is the worst off, since, for the moment (as the paid version of the already has) is not up to date.

However, you will be able to access the Internet from ChatGPT 4 and unleash its full power thanks to its plugins.

I recommend that you read: ChatGPT plugins, the power of AI.


Bard will also show us updated informationThe new version is in English, as mentioned above, as it has not yet landed in Spain. He does not directly cite his sourcesbut it allows you to expand the Google search.

It also gives you three response options that you can copy and export.


Bing Chat not only provides us with updated informationbut cites its sourcessuggests reference articles and also suggests new questions on the subject.


We note that in terms of transparency of sources, Bing Chat is what it seems, a priori, more reliable. And we believe that this nuance is going to be very importantThe use of a chatbot or other.

On the other hand, the fact that Bard give you the option to go to the classic Google search is a point in its favour, because, let's face it, the IAalthough it is progressing by leaps and bounds, it is still is not permeating evenly in the average user.

Content summaries

Another of the great advantages of the chatbots is that they are able to summarise the content of web pages.

This is very useful, for example, if we want to obtain a brief summary of product reviews.

We call on ChatGPT, Bard and Bing Chat that summarise the reviews on a product page and also show us the result in a table, and this is what happens:


ChatGPT informs us that, unfortunately, it is unable to access external links or surfing the internet. But it does not stop there, and at least it gives us a generic" response on the product in question.


Bard meets our proposal and shows us a table with the main pros and cons of the product. In addition, it completes the task with some opinions of users in quotation format.


Bing Chat also fulfils the task. It shows us a table of resultswith their respective sourcesand also proposes other questions we can do to the chatbot related to our search.

Explanation of code

One of the largest advantages of Bard with regard to ChatGPT and Bing Chatis that it provides you with a detailed and easy to understand explanation of any kind of code.


It is truly useful if you are learning to code and you need to resolve your doubts.

Writing styles

Those of us who lived through the landing of ChatGPT we were able to enjoy various writing styles, but that option is now only available in the available to paying users.

Bing Chat offer writing styles as standard:

conversation-bing style

However, both in the case of ChatGPT as in the BardWe can ask the chatbot to write more informally, or more formally.

creative writing-chatgpt
formal writing-chatgpt

For the moment, however, we can't be too fussy:

gpt small gpt

Browser dependency

ChatGPT has its own interfacetherefore does not depend, as is the case with Bing Chat o Bardto be hosted in a browser.

You will have to use Bing Chat in the browser Edgeand to chat with BardYou will need to do this by signing up for an account at Google.

Access for minors

Precisely because in order to sign up for an account with Google You must be over 18 years old, Bard will not be available to minors.

This is not the case for Bing Chat and ChatGPTThe Commission is currently not applying any kind of age restriction.

This is a controversial issue, to say the least, as there are many cases of students using the chatbots to solve their daily tasks. It is undoubtedly a paradigm shift for teachers who will have to deal with the use of AI in education.

The winner

As mentioned at the beginning, this race has only just begun and it is too early to give a verdict.

If we had to highlight something about ChatGPTwe would keep your speed in the answers and with their independence over any browser.

That's right, not providing sources of information will be something that is likely to detract in the not too distant future.

Nuance that makes up for Bing Chatso far a great alternative to ChatGPT if we want to have informative references. Perhaps longer texts are missing. Sometimes more elaboration is needed.

That is why we believe that Bardwho has been watching (for weeks, which in this type of race is a long, long time) the implementations of the ChatGPT and Bing Chatcan provide users with the best of both worlds: answers in conversational format and reliable sourcesThis is in addition to the classic Google search.

The biggest problem of Bardis that it still has not arrived in Spainso right now their handicap would be their difficulty of use. But it is only a matter of time before this chatbot land in our country.

What is clear to us is that competition between chatbotsIt is in our interest as users. Not only because you will be able to improve your website's SEO with chatGPT and the rest of chatbotsIt will be of great help for a multitude of tasks in our day-to-day lives.

We will follow the duel ChatGPT vs Bard vs Bing Chat We look forward to many new developments in this area.

However, it is clear to us that, despite the emergence of the IA and the chatbotsto abandon the classic searches for Google will be a difficult task. Google has billions of users right now, so to see a near future without the search engineWe are finding it quite difficult.

Picture of Begoña Ontiveros
Begoña Ontiveros

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