
Branded SEO: a key strategy in digital marketing

If you have a digital business, you'll know that standing out from the crowd is essential for success. The branded SEO o Brand SEOis positioned as a crucial tactic that can make a difference in how a brand is perceived, both by the user and by search engines such as Google. 

The Brand SEO not only helps to improve the visibility of a business online in search engines for specific brand-related queriesbut it also plays a fundamental role in the building brand identity and in the customer loyalty

But what exactly does the Brand SEO and how it can be effectively integrated into a digital marketing strategy? Throughout this article, we will look at the key points to get the full picture on the branded SEO.

What is branded SEO?

In essence, the branded SEO focuses on optimising the content and structure of a website to ensure that it appears at the top of search engine rankings, such as Google, when users perform specific brand-related searches.

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This includes the name of the companytheir star products, exclusive services or any term which is directly linked to the brand identity.

Effectively implementing this strategy allows brands to control how they appear in the media. search resultsensuring that the first impression is positive and relevant. 

When a user searches for the name of a brandit is crucial that you find accurate information, updated and positivewhich not only improves the brand imagebut also influences the purchasing decision and to build and maintain their online reputation.

In addition, this tactic plays a crucial role in the increase in qualified web traffic. Having a site optimised for specific brand-related searches attracts an audience already interested in what the company has to offer. 

This means that the traffic generated through the branded SEO tends to have a higher conversion rate compared to non-targeted traffic, since users arrive at the website with a clear purpose or a prior interest in the brand.

Relationship between branded SEO and Google

Googleas the undisputed leader in the field of search enginesplays a crucial role in how brands are discovered, evaluated and perceived by users.

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Through its sophisticated algorithms, Google constantly seeks to provide users with the most relevant and highest quality results in response to their needs. search intentions.

The branded SEO is perfectly aligned with this objective, focusing on optimising all aspects of branding to ensure they meet Google's quality criteria. 

By focusing on these elements, this tactic helps to build the authority and brand relevance (the EEAT). Google recognises these efforts by preferentially positioning these brands in its search results pages (SERPs). 

This is particularly important for search queries including the brand name or closely related terms, as it ensures that users are first confronted with brand-controlled and brand-optimised contentrather than with third-party reviews or mentions that may not be as favourable.

In addition, Google also values consistency and brand presence outside the website itself. By providing multiple points of contact In addition to the positive effects, the relevance both for users searching for information about the brand and for Google increases.

By understanding and working in line with Google's algorithmsbrands can ensure a greater visibility and a positive image and coherent. 

This is undoubtedly essential in a digital environment where first impressions can determine users' perceptions and decisions.

Is branded SEO beneficial?

The answer is a resounding yes.

In addition to improving search engine rankings, the branded SEO offers tangible benefits that directly affect the perception and BRAND VALUE in the eyes of potential customers.

branding strategy icons

One of the main benefits observed from this type of strategies is the strengthening brand recognition. By appearing in the top positions in search results for terms specifically related to the brand, the visibility of the brand is increased. 

This increased visibility, in addition to attracting more traffic to the website, also reinforces the brand identity in the minds of users. How much more frequently users find a brand in their searchesthe more likely they are to remember it, and the more likely they are to consider in the future.

In addition, the branded SEO allows companies to exert greater control over their online narrative. By optimising the content that appears in search results, brands can ensure that the information users find is positive, relevant and up-to-date.

Another important issue is the capacity to stand out from the competition. In a marketplace where consumers are faced with an overwhelming amount of choice, the Brand SEO helps a brand stand out by ensuring that its products and services are strengths and differentiators are easily accessible and visible in search results.

The customer loyalty is another aspect that is positively impacted by such strategies. By providing a consistent user experience and high quality, from the initial search to the interaction with the brand's website, a positive relationship with the user is fostered.

Branded SEO strategies

Implement branded SEO strategies is essential for any business looking to improve its online visibility and strengthen its digital presence. 

Optimisation of the website

To get the strategy off to a good start branded SEOwill be vital to carry out a keyword research detailed in order to identify all the search terms that users could use to find the brand. 

Once these keywords have been identified, the keywords must be optimised. on-page elements of the website, such as the titles, meta-descriptions, headings and the contentto include these keywords in a natural and relevant way.

In addition, it is crucial to optimise images using the alternative text (alt text) that includes the brand name and relevant keywords. This is crucial in view of all the changes Google is making to its own search engine, with the implementation of SGE.

Online reputation management

The online reputation management involves active monitoring of what is said about the brand and respond appropriately to customer reviews and comments, both positive and negative.

The timely responses and considered can transform negative opinions into positive customer experiencesIt also shows potential customers that the brand cares about its consumers. 

Having tools in place to monitor the online reputation will be essential to keep track of brand mentions in various channels.

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Additional strategies

Mobile optimisation: Ensuring that your website is fully optimised for mobile devices is essential, as Google prioritises mobile devices. mobile-friendly websites in your search results.

Use of social networks: Integrating this type of strategy with the RRSS can increase brand visibility. Sharing quality content and participate in relevant conversations can improve brand recognition.

Quality link building: Get incoming links (backlinks) from websites of High Authority related to the business can significantly increase the authority of the brand's website in the eyes of the public. Google.

Implementing such strategies effectively requires time, effort and a thorough understanding of the SEO principles and digital marketing. However, the long term benefits in terms of improved visibility, online reputation solid and increase in qualified web traffic make it worth the effort.

Role of non-branded SEO

The non-branded SEO focuses on terms and search queries that do not include the brand name specificallytherefore, helps to capture a wider audience who may not yet be familiar with the brand.


Broadening the target audience

The non-branded SEO allows brands to reach potential customers that are in the initial stages of your purchasing journey. These users are looking for general information, answers to their questions or solutions to their problems, without having an established brand preference. 

By optimising the website for these search terms, marks can be introduced in the first place to this type of user.

Improved market visibility

By appearing in search results for a variety of industry-relevant terms, brands are able to capture a largest share of search trafficThis also allows them to attract more visitors to their website, thereby increasing their market share online.

Contribution to brand authority

The non-branded SEO also contributes to building and strengthening the brand authority in their sector. By providing valuable content and relevant that responds to users' search queries, brands can establish themselves as authorities in their field. 

This factor, in addition to improving their ranking in search resultsIt also builds confidence and credibility among consumers.

Integrated SEO strategy

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The branded SEO ensures that when someone searches for your brand, the results reflect positively on what your company stands for, controlling the narrative and protecting the brand reputation

On the other hand, the non-branded SEO introduce your brand to those in the discovery stage, who may not know that your solution is exactly what they were looking for.

By implementing a complete SEO strategy that encompasses both aspects, brands can ensure that they can ubiquitous digital presencereaching your target audience at all stages of the conversion funnel.

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Picture of Begoña Ontiveros
Begoña Ontiveros

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