
SEO in TikTok: positioning strategies

Breaking news: new tool  TikTok keyword insights

Make SEO on TikTok is now a reality. Many marketing agencies have started to show interest in the social network and it is that TikTok has undoubtedly become one of the world's most popular trends.

During the pandemic, the application downloads soared, becoming the most downloaded app of 2020

It has not stopped growing since then either. So much so that in 2022 TikTok has already surpassed the figure of 1 billion of userswhich has led marketing agencies to consider it as a tool to promote and develop campaigns.

As in other social networks, TikTok has also incorporated a monetisation system to help brands increase the visibility of their products or services. traffic to your website.

To understand the great interest in this application, it is necessary to know the figures it manages. Currently, TikTok is available in more than 35 languages and in more than 150 countries.. In addition to this, it has become the social network where people spend the most time, with a average of 23.6 hours per month.

In addition, TikTok has benefited from the Widespread dissatisfaction with Instagram's algorithmespecially among influencers and small businesses. Little by little, these figures have been migrating to TikTokwhere the algorithm seems more consistent with what is expected of it.

The content customisation options that the social network allows, make it easier for users, brands and influencers to get views.

In other words, on TikTok you don't have to have many followers to go viral. It's the other way around, any content creator can make a video go viral that is original and "engaging". 

In addition, there are techniques that can improve positioning in this social network.

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How to do SEO on TikTok: positioning strategies

Some companies or brands use the paid campaigns to promote some of your publications. So far so good. However, many of them, due to a lack of knowledge, leave aside the SEO positioning

If you're reading this and you're still not quite sure what we mean by SEO positioning o Social SEOfor it is nothing more than disseminate well-positioned content on a website via social networks

And what is this for? Well, to to achieve a wider reach, engagement and brand image

Of all the social networks, the TikTok algorithms are the best to be able to carry out a strategy of SEO positioning. This is probably why it has become the favourite app of agencies.

The curious thing is that, despite all these advantages, very few companies use this network. Although this may sound negative, the truth is that for our company it means less competition and easier to position from the outset.

We, as marketing experts, want to give you a hand to learn how to take advantage of this new marketing opportunity. social network and achieve better results. That's why we bring you some of the best SEO strategies to implement them from now on in your profile.

1. Optimise the SEO fields of your TikTok profile

TikTok has three SEO fieldsThe name, username and biography are 30, 24 and 80 characters respectively.

To get a head start, we already in the name you can use a keyword that reflects your business or value proposition, and the same goes for the username. 

Some people prefer to use a name in this field, but if you have the opportunity to put only the name followed by a keyword, you will have gained points, especially if it contains the keyword and is easy to remember. This is important, DO NOT USE YOUR SURNAMEas it will not contribute anything to SEO.

In the biography you have a few more characters to elaborate, but if in your name you have used an keywordI recommend that you repeat it in the biography to let the TikTok algorithm what your content is about. 

It is essential to try to fill in the fields with as much information as possible and try to use as many characters as possible.

2. Optimise the title of your posts for Google

When we optimise content for social mediaSometimes we think that it is only about positioning within the application, but this is not correct.

Bearing in mind that now Google indexes TikTok videoswe cannot forget optimise for Googleand even more so if we want to create viralisation in our content.

One of the tools that you can use for this point is SEMrush. From the section "Overview of keywords"You can find the perfect words to incorporate into your publication, both in the title and in the copies.

3. Create Hashtags from keywords

If you have ever used TikTokIf you've seen that everyone, or at least a large part of the world uses hashtags

Although many users use popular hashtags or experiment with new hashtagsWe have to think like SEO. 

Our aim is that, when introducing the words of the hashtags, appear in both the Google search as in that of the TikTok search engineThere are a few tricks to this.

The key is to choose a long tail (more than 4 words) and convert it into a hashtag. To do this, we can use tools that show us some of the most popular hashtags and choose one with less than 100k volume to start with.

Once the account and the number of followers is growing, we can start testing hashtags with volumes higher than 100k.

4. Create SEO optimised content

What do we mean by create SEO optimised content? Well, although it is important to create attractive and original videos, it is important to optimise them. 

Along with your creative ideas for videos, you have to consider posting no more than 60 seconds, as well as use keywords in the video as well as in the title and description.

But this is not the end of the work. It is important to have ideas for videos in which your audience can interact with you, for example through questions.

We must also create that engagement with your content and get feedback that allows you to get to know your followers better and better position.

Another technique is to use the current trendsas well as more popular music.

5. Use keywords in your videos

This may sound strange at first glance, but it is not. Often, when say the key word in the videosTikTok's algorithm adds subtitles and helps you rank.

As you can see, almost everything is related to keywords and relating them to the content we have generated, and the more this is applied, the better positioned you will be.

Although we have previously given you tips on how to rank on Google's search engine, this time we are going to give you some tips on how to voice technology has great strength within the TikTok search engine itself and can make some of your videos viral.

6. Add your website and social networks in the TikTok biography.

During the process, we should not lose focus of our social media efforts. In addition to gaining followers and viewsfor SEO positioning on TikTok we have to use the platform to redirect traffic to your website

You can do this by either putting the website in the description of the videos or by putting it as a direct link in the biography. This way, when your followers go to your profile, they will be able to access the website with a click.

The same goes for your other social media profiles. If you have an Instagram account, for example, you could link it to TikTok and share content from one account to another.

However, try not to fall into mirror practicesi.e. do not publish exactly the same content on the different networks. 

Our aim is for users to follow as many social networks of our company. Therefore, although there must be a common line and concordance between them, the content must be different. 

While the Instagram can have a more informative touch where it shows the catalogue of products and services o communicate promotionsthe TikTok can be used to get closer to our customers and follow the trends of the moment to show a more human vision of the brand.

7. Pay attention to statistics

As on Instagram, the TikTok application offers the possibility to obtain the statistics of your profile. 

This is very useful for know your target audience and how they interact with your content to find out what kind of style and format works best.

From the statistics it is possible to obtain information and data that were previously unknown, and to carry out social marketing strategies consistent with the results obtained from these statistics.

If you were hesitating to open a TikTok account or you didn't know how to optimise yours, we hope we have helped you. With digitalisation and the change in the way we do marketing, it is important to keep up to date with all the new developments.

We are often unaware of the importance of social networks or we may not even perceive the value it can offer our customers, leading to missed business opportunities.

So even if you are not a fan of networks, if your audience is on them, you will have to use them if you want to compete in the marketplace.

Picture of Amanda

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