5 reasons why you shouldn't start a digital business

It is true that the Internet has democratised access to online business. Nowadays, anyone with minimal digital knowledge can access, at least, to have their own website and start selling their products or services. Well, selling are big words; but at least you can try. I am fortunate enough to spend the day [...]

International SEO: international search engine optimisation

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Do you think your customers are in multiple markets? Can your company's products or services be distributed globally? Do you think there is a demand in the digital market for them and that you can explore it at an online search level? Then you have a simple answer and it is called international SEO and we are [...]

How can the tourism sector recover from the COVID impact?

Nowadays, whoever has a company and manages to survive, for me, is a hero. But if the company belongs to the tourism sector; we are talking about one of those superheroes from the movies that you don't know how, but always survive. The tourism sector is suffering the worst crisis in its history and finds itself in the midst of a [...]

Online marketing trends for 2022

Hello! We have already written and updated The digital marketing trends for 2024 We had to start somehow in the blog and I have chosen an evergreen content and easy to digest (but you don't know what awaits you in the future); and since everyone in the sector has a [...]