
How to choose the best Google Ads campaign type

The Google Ads campaigns have become one of the most powerful tools for companies to carry out paid advertising. A few years ago, advertising was a privilege for those few who could afford it. 

Thanks to tools like Google, advertising has been democratised, giving us access to two of the world's largest search engines - Google and YouTube - and a network of millions of websites on which to advertise. 

But there are many Google ad types and not all types are suitable for every company. The objectives and the available budget must be taken into account. 

Whether you plan to manage your own Google advertising When outsourcing to an agency, it is important to start by learning the necessary terminology. 

It is essential to know the Google Ads campaign typesnot only to be familiar with them, but to know what you can realistically expect from them. In this way, you will understand what the tool can do for your business. 

1. Search Ads

Want ads

If we could define the Google Search Campaigns in a sentence would be: being in the right place at the right time. At the precise moment when a purchase need arises or a user is looking for information, your company can appear there to satisfy this purchase or information intention through the famous text ads that appear in the Google search results

On average, more than 63,000 Google searches are performed every second worldwide. This huge demand for services and information means that every business wants to be seen by this large potential customer base. 

While the vast number of results are ranked organically by factors such as the content relevance and the user experience of the website, Google Search results have space for paid listings. The precise segmentation options of these listings allow advertisers to put their website in front of the most relevant users. 

In particular, the Google search campaigns are set up with a list of keywords, which means that marketers can choose the search terms for which they want their ads to appear in the results.

Advantages of search campaigns

  • Easy implementationIn this type of campaign, you select the right keywords and text for your ad, you don't need to add any images or think about creative. When it comes to setting it up, you can do it via Smart Campaigns.
  • Perfect for product sales and lead generation as long as you have a long-term sales cycle.
  • Many possibilities when it comes to segment your campaigns.

2. Shopping Ads

Features or advantages of the Shopping campaigns offered by Google Ads paid advertising tool

Google Shopping is an ideal advertising tool for companies that have an eCommerce website. 

While a search campaign remains beneficial for these businesses, specifically for advertising product ranges and special offers, a shopping campaign allows you to easily advertise all of your individual products.

The Google Shopping campaigns are configured by means of a feed shopping. 

The feed The shopping cart collects all the information you need about your products in one place, including item titles, costs, descriptions and featured images. 

In general, the feed will be created on your website and will automatically update itself as you add new products or make changes to existing ones. It will also keep track of stock levels, which means you won't lose money by advertising out of stock products.

The feed The purchase order is sent to the platform Google Merchant Centerwhich processes your data. Merchant Center will show you how many of your products have been successfully shipped, and will also indicate any errors in your data, such as missing key information or products that go against Google's terms.

Once your products have gone through the approval process in Merchant Center, they will be synced with Google Ads to be used in your Shopping campaigns.

Advantages of Google Shopping campaigns

  • High conversion rateas long as your products are attractive and competitively priced. 
  • High visibility. After all, the results of Google Shopping are the first to appear when we search for a product on Google.
  • Improved return on investment (ROI). Think about how many searches are made on Google Shopping every day, and just by clicking on them, users can see the model, the price, the product's features, etc. With all of this information and if your price is competitive, the increase in conversions is guaranteed.

3. Display Ads

Display campaigns are perfect for capturing the attention of users by showcasing your products or services. through banners and images. This type of campaign is one of the most visual and far-reaching campaigns offered by Google, with the ability to deliver graphical ads to millions of online spaces. 

There are multiple types of ad formats available within the Google DisplayThe three main types are

Responsive Display AdsGoogle's most automated ad type, perfect for those who have no design experience and are looking to get started as quickly as possible.

Image advertisementsFor those who want to have more control over the design of their ads, they can simply upload ads in the form of images.

HTML5 adsThese ads go through a similar process to image ads: you will have to create them yourself, making sure they meet the size requirements, and then upload them directly to Google to get your ads up and running. Google Ads campaign.

Advantages of Display Advertising

  • More targeting options. While Search Ads focus on keywords and serving ads to users when they search for the service or product you are promoting, Google Display is a bit broader, with more options for getting your ads in front of users.
  • You can measure the performance of your campaign and thus determine what to do to improve it. In doing so display ads In a video campaign, you can evaluate the effectiveness of any element of it, such as the message, the animation or even the text.
  • They are very effective for remarketing campaignsThey allow you to personalise your message and images, so they can re-engage those who have already visited your website and encourage them to return to it, thus increasing your website's traffic. conversion rate.

4. Video Ads (Youtube Ads)

Youtube Ads has a great potential to boost your Paid Media strategy, especially in Branding or Retargeting strategies.

The rule that a picture is worth a thousand words is even more important when the picture is in motion. The Google video campaigns are primarily made for the YouTube advertisingalthough they may reach viewers elsewhere on the web. 

In addition to all the SEO opportunities offered by YoutubeThere are multiple types of YouTube advertising and the options are now more versatile than ever.

Advantages of YouTube ads

  • Youtube is the world's leading video platform and the second most visited page with an average of 21 minutes and 10 seconds per user/day.
  • It has multiple segmentation options to find the audience you are looking for.
  • Great variety of advertising formats available.
  • From the Google Ads platform you can control the number of daily impacts a user will receive so that your campaign does not end up producing ad fatigue for your audience.

5. Apps advertisements

We discuss all the advantages offered by the App ads available in the Google Ads tool.

If you have an iOS or Android application and you want to promote it on Google Search, YouTube, Google Play, the Applications advertisements is the type of Google Ads campaign to choose from. 

Within the App Campaigns you can choose between three objectives:

Increase the number of downloadsGoogle Ads will optimise bidding and targeting to help you get as many new users as possible to your App.

Encourage actions in the AppIf your goal is to find more valuable users and you track key actions within the app, such as conversion events, use this option.

Promoting the value of shares within the AppGoogle ads will target users who are most likely to generate the most value over time.

Advantages of PPP advertisements

  • You will be able to publish your campaigns on any Google platform.Google Search Network, Display Network, YouTube, Google Play, AdMob..., Google Search partner websites and websites where publishers host app ads.
  • They are very easy to set upThe system takes care of designing them for the different formats and networks. All you have to do is provide a few lines of text, a starting bid, the budget, and indicate the languages and geographic locations of the ads.

Today, Google has become one of the most powerful tools for paid advertising. The success of a company can be determined by a good design and execution of a Paid Media strategy and a well thought out content for SEO

If you have any doubts about how to get started with your Google campaigns, DDigitals will be happy to help you. We are experts in designing and optimising winning campaigns that will take your company to the next level. Ask us for information without obligation. 

Picture of angelengodd

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