
Online marketing trends for 2022

Hello! We have already written and updated Las digital marketing trends for 2024

We had to debut in some way in the blog and I have chosen a content evergreen and easy to digest (but you don't know what's in store for you in the future); and since everyone in the sector has content that tells you what's new and what will be new this year in the digital world, I want to go ahead and talk about the digital marketing trends for 2022.

That is nothing.

If you take a look around the web you will find a lot of info about these ".new trends in online marketing"However, they are neither really that trendy nor that new.

It makes sense, the technology, the legislation, the media might change, but the basic pillars of the customer relationship will never change. and with advertising.

This, in my view, is what marketing is all about: understanding and improving the lives of consumers.

Nothing more (and nothing less).

How will marketing change in 2022?

Although it is a very complicated question to answer, I believe that marketing will change and evolve in relation to the evolution and development of the companies themselves.

The evolutionary reality with respect to online marketing varies greatly (in fact, it has absolutely nothing to do with each other). and depends on how digitised a company is.

For a company to be digitised does not mean that they have many millions to invest in online advertising and marketing. (although obviously the more investment capacity, the better); it is a question of an attitude and a knowledge of the territory that should be, at this stage of the film, quite extensive.

The more knowledge, training and involvement all members of a company have in its digital marketing and sales strategythe more successful your strategy will be. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to move forward; because magic cannot be done, no matter how well-intentioned you are.

That said, many of the trends that were trends in the year 2000 will be new to some companies in 2021 and to others who do train in the online territory on a daily basis, these predictions may seem like a joke to you.

How will marketing change? I don't think this is the right question. In my opinion, the correct question is How will companies change their marketing strategy in the coming years?

Online marketing trends that could work

I don't know if I'm going to write a lot of them; but I think they are enough (social Ads, Adwords and TikTok are not trends, sorry) and I consider them interesting; even if some of them don't quite fit or we don't know how to find their usefulness for brands.

Here I go.

1. Voice marketing strategies: does voice search make sense?

I have always been very interested in the language and of course the audio and so are voice searches.

Moreover, you know that the trend is towards natural language. When it comes to interacting with gadgets, content on voice or audio devices will undoubtedly be a strategy to be explored more deeply in the years to come.

In fact, there are already voice marketing agencies focused on voice marketing.

We will see in which sectors it will make sense and in which it will not.

In particular, taking a look at the Alexa appit does not seem to be is currently having a major impact on strategic sectors The same applies to entertainment (e.g. music) and the smart home category.

Screenshot of the alexa app on iphone

It will probably also make sense in the automotive sector, but for the time being, for the consumer, both usability and The usefulness is rather limited.

In any case, here you can read some of them examples of content marketing with Alexa.

2. No-code automations and the death of programmers

It is an exaggeration and at the same time, not.

It's not new, it's been happening for years: in the marketing environment more and more applications, systems, DIY softwares are on the rise while displace the need for programming.

Technological advances are increasing rapidly and the solutions drag and drop make life easier for businesses and users.

By 2025, many experts estimate that the number of people living in the 70% of the automations will be done through tools that do not need to be programmed.So if you haven't explored it yet, I invite you to start exploring.

As I mentioned at the beginning, the tools automation and the need to automate processes is relative to the typology of each company, but very necessary.

3. The salestech or digital B2B

The COVID-19 crisis has undoubtedly accelerated this, but there is no doubt that we are in the midst of the era of salestech And no, I'm not talking about giving people a hard time on Linkedin so that they buy from you or listen to you.

As you can see in the next slide the picture is tremendous.

2021 Enterprise SalesTech Landscape
Salesthec outlook for 2021, perhaps a little oversized

In fact, according to this study by the consultancy firm McKinseyThe digital growth in the search and comparison phases of the customer journey has increased by more than one 100%.

Source: McKinsey

In this respect, the opportunities in the B2B channel and in real, professional automation of the sales funnel will be one of the keys in 2022 and beyond.

Forget about selling (only) in a physical face-to-face situation; the salestech are more alive than ever.

4. Cross-cutting agencies to square the circle

In this day and age, and even more so in our sector, there is a lot of talk about specialisation.

And this yes and no.

The reality is that people prefer to centralise everything in a single company to having to talk to 10 suppliers at the same time.

A marketing manager prefers to talk to a single agency rather than 5.and will also prefer to talk to one person rather than 10.

The future of agencies lies in be fully transverse to the businessIt makes no sense to dismember and disintegrate a company's strategy according to the specialisations of different suppliers.

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Let there be no mistake: we must be specialists, but in the same place.

SEO, SEM, programmatic, CRM, databases, social networks and public relations. do not make sense in a disaggregated way; as it is very difficult to build business through dismembered legs.

In this sense, an agency's niche specialisation leads to missing out on the full picture of the company it serves. Offer integral solutions is fundamental to providing value to customers.

5. The end of third-party cookies

Google announced that it would block the third-party cookies in your Google Chrome browser in 2022.

This is not surprising (besides, its competitors have already done it); but it does come as a surprise. will make it more difficult for companies to engage in advertising. as they have done so far with possible hearings.

Remarketing, personalisation, interests, display; in short, techniques that have their days numbered in terms of impact.

This is not surprising; because the user demands privacy (and that is as it should be) and, moreover, the laws are becoming tougher and more restrictive, as they should be.

The question then becomes: how are we as a company going to deal with this lack of data in the world's most widely used browser?

While I would like to elaborate on the subject, the answer lies in the collection and exploitation of the 1st party data (which is nothing more than the data that companies acquire from their users and customers at first hand).

Logical. Lhe most important data for a company is not the data it buys from third parties; it is the data it obtains first hand.

Many see this as a disgrace for the digital ecosystem, but I think it is a clear opportunity for long-term work and to improve the relationship real with real customers.

A lot customer centricBut if we're loading the user with third-party data, I don't know what to tell you.

There are already ways forward, for example, improving the organic channel (longer placist); generate smaller but highly qualified audiences (Affinity and In Market).) or negotiate with the media directly, as they are going to become relevant again.

We will see the future, little by little, but of course, this is a key change for 2022.

6. Virtual Reality and its conjunction with the Metaverse

Another trendy topic is virtual reality or virtual worlds or the famous Metaverse.

By the way, I recommend this blog to you, as they are Metaverse experts and everything to do with it.

The year 2022 is the year of the beginning of what is to come. will be one of the great revolutions not only of marketing, but of the world as we know it today.

Start studying blockchain, NFTs, metaverses and cryptocurrencies because it is a field that will have a lot of potential.

Recommended: Metaverse and advertising.

7. Live stream shopping or live ecommerce

As the name suggests, if you want to sell on your e-commerce site, you have to sell live.

It's a trend that has been going strong in the US for some time now, and one that many brands are now embracing.

It's about making a streaming event where the audience can buy the product you are offering, so simple and inspiring.

At this post you can find several tools to promote your product live on the internet. Although one of our favourites is Online Live.

8. Programmatic advertising, future and present

As a quick reminder, programmatic advertising is about chasing audiences, not just buying space.

This type of advertising is the fuel of marketing today and will be for many years to come.

Programmatic advertising investment chart USA

It is a type of advertising that is growing steadily and by 2022, according to Emarketer, it will account for a 86,5% of total advertising investment.

9. Inbound marketing will continue to be a hit

And there is a logic to this.

Nothing converts better than positioning yourself in something that is in demand.

That's why SEO will continue to be a trend for 2022, because the organic channel is currently the channel that converts most, at least that's what our colleagues from Flat 101 tell us in their 2022 conversion study (and which we corroborate with our own data).

Always keep SEO in your mind, my friend.

10. Chatbots, more

In other words, person-to-person care.

E-commerce does not exist or should not exist without a chat to deal with customers. Nobody likes the impersonal and chatbots are an excellent tool to generate the trust that is so lacking to push sales.

Chatbots are the kings of conversational marketing and will remain so in 2022.

For our part, we will, as always, be at the forefront and will try to to bring as much value as possible in each of our actions and to set effective digital marketing strategies.

And so, let's go for it.

Picture of Álvaro Vázquez
Álvaro Vázquez

Head of SEO & Content


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