
SEO on Instagram: how to position your profile

Make SEO on Instagram is the key to increasing your number of followers and creating more visibility for your profile. 

With more than 1.2 billion usersInstagram is one of the most popular social networks of the moment. Here you can share content with your audience and turn your profile into an advertising channel and even monetise it. 

With the boom of the influencersInstagram has become a new way to earn money doing what you love. But is it easy to be an influencer?

Instagram, like all other social networks, is controlled by a series of algorithms responsible for monitoring and assessing the quality of the profiles. Depending on a number of factors, the network will give more or less notoriety to your profile, but this can be optimised.

To position a profile we must know the algorithm and study it, and once we know how it works, establish strategies to benefit from the algorithm itself.

As has been done on websites or in blog articles, it is also possible to do the following SEO on Instagram and below we will explain the main steps to get your profile positioned.

Are you ready to get followers on Instagram? 

How to improve an Instagram profile

Improve instagram profile

In marketing terms, we can differentiate between two types of profiles within this platform: individuals and companies.

  • The person profiles can be divided into two branches: users who do not seek any purpose in this network, but use it for leisure and to share content with their followers, and users who are looking for profit from its content

This is the clear example of the influencerscontent creators who promote products or services from other companies thanks to the popularity that their social media profiles reach.

  • The company profileswhose main objective is the conversions and the sale of products.

When you want to carry out a Instagram marketing strategyIn the case of the two profiles, we must decide which of the two profiles to adopt, as each has its advantages.

On the one hand, a company profile allows increase the number of sales and customersThe new website offers better product awareness, a stronger brand presence, easier communication with customers and much more personalised technical support.

On the other hand, a profile of a person brings a more human touch, being closer to the public and connecting more to the point of creating a community. In addition, a person profile allows the user to creating a personal brand.

There is no optimal decision for choosing a company and a person profile but it will depend on the objective and of the product offered.

The perfect Instagram profile

When creating an optimal profile, the client needs to be clear on the following points what you offer and how to contact you and it is your responsibility to provide, at a glance, that information to the user.

There are some mechanisms that can help your profile succeed. Some of them are:

  • Use a name that is easy to remember
  • Include emojis to liven up the text
  • Include a call to action
  • Structures
  • Include links, either to emails or to websites.
  • Use a clear profile picture and do not change it, as this can be confusing for your followers.
  • Using hashtags or quoting Instagram profiles

If we do not have a great imagination, a solution may be to be inspired by profiles that we likethat are well-structured and have a simple and understandable biography that is at the same time eye-catching.

What are Hashtags and how to use them on Instagram?

what are hashtags on instagram

One of the most effective mechanisms when it comes to making SEO on Instagram is the use of Hashtags.

A Hashtag is a word or phrase beginning with the century # and seeks to grouping content by theme.

They have a linking function and allow users to find your posts through them. The use of hashtags is essential for increase the visibility of your profile and win engagementwhich is one of the most important marketing factors in social media, as it determines the engagement a brand has with its audience.

The use of hashtags is a determining factor for improve the positioning of your profile. However, it is necessary to know how to good use of this practice and choosing the right hashtags on the contrary, it could even be detrimental to the profile.

To choose hashtags we can analyse what consumers are looking for or analyse the competition to find out which hashtags work best. 

It is important to do not use hashtags that are too genericThis is especially true if you don't have a high-profile Instagram account, as you would have to compete with a larger number of accounts.

Although Instagram lets you use up to a maximum of 30, Pedro SEO, in his course Instagram - Target: Reach 10,000warns us that it is advisable not to use less than 7 and no more than 12.

Creating valuable content on Instagram

Valuable content on instagram

To make SEO on Instagramone of the essential points is the creation of content for your profile.

Before creating any type of content on Instagram, you need to know the market niche you want to target. 

This can be done by two strategies different when choosing a product or service. One option is to competing in existing marketsbeating the competition, and the other option is to creating a new marketcreating new demand.

The latter is more complicated because it involves developing an innovative idea that does not yet exist.

Deciding on the content to be produced is fundamental to the success of your profile. These contents can be lifestylesinformation, advice, experiences, tutorials, training, etc.

When it comes to publishing this content, it can be in the form of text, images or videos, depending on our choice, we will choose one communication channel or the other.

Instagram has different communication formatsAmong them, we find IG TV, posts, stories and live. Each one has its own benefits and drawbacks, but it is important to adapt this content to the media in which it best fits.

For example, if our content is based on video tutorials, we could use IG TV, as it offers a longer duration. On the other hand, if we want to give advice on certain topics using text and photos, the best option will probably be the Instagram posts that we can see in the feed of the profile.

The most important thing in terms of content is that we should upload posts to the networks as long as the content we have is of quality

We don't have to be overwhelmed by not uploading daily content, of course this would be ideal, but the most important thing is quality. 

There is no point in uploading content on a daily basis if only one is of quality. 

If you have a professional Instagram account, you will be able to check out the statistics of your profile and it will highlight the best days and times to publish your content. 

These statistics will also give you information about the engagement you have with your audience.

How to give visibility to my Instagram?

Giving visibility to my instagram profile

One of the tools that help you to have more visibility is the storieswhich currently stand at largest number of people than traditional posts.

You are at stories allow you to connect and get to know your audience better It is therefore essential to use them. 

The use of instagram stories allows you to create a communicating with your audience and thus give you greater visibility. The more stories you upload, the more visibility the first one will have..

Therefore, to optimise this resource, you can use questionnaires, surveys or questions and answers to get your audience to interact with you and to improve your SEO on Instagram.

The surveys are also interesting to get to know your audience. Through them you can find out what kind of content they demand or make experiments on how they would receive possible changes.

A good strategy would be to make a survey in 3 or 4 stories, then publish some kind of informative content and finally publish the survey responses. This way we get more visibility for the first story, which, being a survey and interactive, will guide traffic to the following ones.

One of the elements that the social network has incorporated and that are quite effective are the direct. Live is the key to Instagram as it allows you to reach a lot more people because it sneaks in front of all stories

In addition, few Instagram profiles are using this strategy, which reduces competitiveness and helps you get closer to your audience and interact with them live.

Another strategy you can pursue is to cite influencers, but always in a meaningful way. If you use an influencer citation strategy backed up by good content, you may be lucky enough to be replicated and thus reach a large number of people.

The IG TV is one of the latest additions to the platform and is the one to which Instagram's algorithms currently give the most value. This tool is very useful for the SEO on Instagram because having a longer duration, users stay longer content, improving engagement and, therefore, positioning.

Finally, a last resource that you can use and that gives very good results, are the partnerships. Through partnerships, you will reach other audiences and more people will get to know you. You will also be able to reach new market niches.

Psychology on Instagram: most important algorithms

Most important instagram algorithms

Instagram has two fixed objectiveson the one hand, that users use its platformThe more the better. And secondly, and as a consequence of the first, generate income.

In order to meet these objectives, Instagram must be constantly updated. There are numerous algorithms that the platform uses in order to provide the best possible service to the user, but there are 5 main ones:


This algorithm is focused on content and prioritises it above the rest. Thanks to this algorithm, Instagram shows the content of:

  • Accounts whose content you know you like.
  • Private messages.
  • The accounts you normally look for.
  • People you meet in reality using geolocation.
  • The time you spend on a post. This is interesting because Instagram can perceive this time even if you don't interact with the content but simply stare at it, tap on it or zoom in.

This algorithm prioritise photos depending on their relevance. This relevance is marked by:

  • Indexing of posts in the Hashtags search engine
  • The relevance of the post with the hashtag used
  • Engage during the first few hours. That's why it's important to know the times and days when your audience interacts the most through Instagram stats.

Stories Relevance

Decide which stories to show and sets priorities through certain parameters such as:

  • Content you like
  • The accounts with whom you exchange private messages
  • The accounts you usually look for
  • The people you meet in reality through geolocation as well.
  • User retention
  • The interaction the user has with the story.

HT Follow

This other algorithm, prioritises publications that use a hashtag that you follow through:

  • If you follow a hashtag, you will get more posts.
  • Related publications

Instagram Places

This algorithm is curious because prioritise publications that are closer to you than those that are closer to you.i using:

  • The location you are in
  • Related hashtags

It is important to practice Instagram's algorithms well as one of the biggest penalties is the Shadow Ban.

Shadow Ban

This is the process by which block social media content without the affected users being aware of it. The main reasons for entering the shadow ban are:

  • Buying fake followers
  • Start following a lot of people or giving meaningless likes.

As you can see, there are many uses of Instagram that you probably didn't know about that can increase the popularity of your brand or company. 

If you target customer is on this social network, make SEO on Instagram will help you achieve all your strategic objectives.

In addition, if you want to take your Instagram account to the next level and get a large number of followers, you'll need to combine all the tips from SEO on Instagram we have offered you in the article with an investment in advertising through a Facebook Business account.

Picture of Amanda

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