
Types of SEO to improve your digital presence

Knowing the types of SEO is the first thing you have to do if you want to create a global positioning strategy. Only with a holistic approach can we position in Google our business and the keywords we are interested in.

In this article, I want to explain the different types of SEO you can use. On the one hand, differentiating between Technical SEO u off page and SEO on page or contentand, on the other hand, according to the type of content you are going to use.

This will give you the key points to work on your website's SEO or ecommerce.  

Technical SEO or off page SEO

Woman with a magnifying glass

The first thing to be clear about is what does technical SEO mean. When we talk about Technical SEO We refer to all aspects that do not have to do with the text or the metadata of a page.

These are all the elements that help positioning and that have nothing to do with the content on the page (more or less). That is why in English it is called Off page SEObecause occurs outside the URL (more or less).

I say more or less, because there are indeed things that are on the page, as we shall now see. For example, the link structure we have, the charging timethe weight of images and videosetc., are things that are happening on the page, even if they are not "written".
For this reason, it seems to me more appropriate to use the concept of Technical SEO. In the end, it is more about the technology and not about the words we use.

Linkage structure

Thread and bolts simulating links on a white background

The first point of Technical SEO to consider is the link structure. Here we have to consider two things: internal and external links on the one hand, and inbound and outbound links on the other hand.

The internal links are links on a page that redirect to other pages within the same domain. On the other hand, the external links are links that redirect to other domains. Both types have an influence on SEO.

Moreover, both internal and external links can be inbound or outbound. In fact, both internal and external links can be inbound or outbound, any link is both incoming and outgoingdepending on the perspective from which we look at it.

The links we have on a web page that go elsewhere (either inside the domain or outside) are outgoing links. However, the ones that are in other URLs and redirect to ours, are called incoming links. This is important, because through the linkjuice the site cedes part of its page authority to the page you link to.

The number of inbound and outbound links will affect the position that Google gives our page. The internal link structure will also have an effect, and can be used to create hierarchies and give more value to the pages that interest us.

Core Web Vitals

core web vitals

The Core Web Vitals are one of the novelties for the positioning on Google that have emerged in this decade. These are basically a series of indicators, which we can easily measure by means of Google tools and which refer to aspects related to loading time.

For example, the time it takes for the first element to load or for the page to be complete. Each of these indicators will greatly affect the positioning of our site, being one of the most important points in the present day of Technical SEO.

Aspects such as the size and format of the photographs and the programming languages that we use, will have an important influence on this point.

Web structure

Man searching the internet

On the importance of the design and the structure of the page I have already spoken previously in my article on SEO web design. But it must be taken into account that beyond the design part, the structure of the website itself and its sitemap will be of crucial importance in the Domain SEO.

This is especially important in ecommerce and large pages, where we have to carefully consider the structure we are going to follow and what we are going to index and what we are not going to index.

With the product cataloguesIn addition to the fact that many times there are different duplicated options, categories, etc., it is very important to carry out a strategy of careful structure and focus on SEO if we want to position.

Mobile usability

Girl in yellow dress

The usabilityThe new mobile and PC platforms will also be very important in the future. Technical SEO. In this case, the relationship is not as direct as in the previous cases, but helps indirectly.

Already Core Web Vitals take into account that the pages are well adapted to mobiles, because nowadays the greatest number of searches are carried out from our smartphones.

In addition, the entire UX on both mobile and PC will have a direct impact on meters such as the dwell time or the pogo sticking. If the user is comfortable browsing and finds what he/she is looking for, Google will benefit us with a better position.

After all, the only thing he is looking for Google is satisfy the user's search intent and to make the process as quick and pleasant as possible.

On page SEO or content SEO

how to disallow links

On the other hand, we have to talk about the Content SEO. It is also known as SEO on page which translates as "on-page SEO", because it is done directly on a specific URL, working on the texts and their metadata.

We can make two classifications of the types of Content SEO. On the one hand, we can focus on what is being optimised (headlines and headings, images, text, metadata such as meta-description or SEO title...).

On the other hand, we can make a classification according to the type of content. Thus, we find SEO evergreen, seasonal o on time or events. We can look at it in more detail.

Depending on the optimisation


As I said, within the types of SEO within the page, there is a classification according to the specific aspect that is optimised.

Care must be taken here not to fall into the trap of Black Hat SEO. These "black hat" practices are those that contravene Google's guidelines. They seek to cheat the search engine to get better results.

Normally, can bring a positive result in the short termbut it is a condemnation for the medium and long term. If Google detects that we are doing any of these practices, it can penalise our site and the rest of our efforts will be in vain.

If you SEO competence is following these practices, don't worry, it will eventually fall and you will be able to take its space.

Texts (with headings)

Desk with pc, mobile phone, coffee, notebook and pens

The textsincluding the body text and the headingsare the basis of SEO. The cornerstone that supports the rest of our work. If the text doesn't work, nothing else matters. We won't have a chance to fix it.

The work on the texts starts even before we write it, from the moment we make the keyword research. Once the main and secondary keywords have been selected, we can write the main heading and the subheadings.

Once we have the structure of the article, we can focus on developing it, taking into account the relevant semantic field. Of course, it is not all about keywords and synonyms, it is also crucial to respond to the user's search intent.

In other words, we have to respond to the user's search intention with the right words. This is the basis of SEO work on which everything else is built.

Images and multimedia content

Responsive design

The images, videos e infographics also help to provide more information and make reading lighter and more comfortable for the user.

Here we have to work both on the visible aspects and on the titles o legendsas well as metadata such as the ALT attribute (which will give information about the photo to blind people, as well as to the search engine itself about the multimedia content).

In addition, it also has its own Technical SEO in terms of sizes and formats used, as well as whether it is embedded from an external platform (so that the weight does not fall on our website) or uploaded directly.

A good image work can give the final push to position our article.


Paper page written in HTML

To conclude this second section within the types of SEOIn addition, mention should be made of the metadata. In this case, although there are more, we are referring to the main keywordthe SEO title and the meta-description.

It is written information, but it is not visible on the page to the user. Instead, it is offered to Google to better understand what the page is about and show it in the search results.

In the case of the meta-description I do have to say that, even if we point out a meta-description Google can select other information and use it as a meta description. Even so, it is always advisable to try to target it and make a meta-description to your liking.

Any change in the SEO title or in the meta-description can exponentially multiply our CTRi.e. the number of clicks we receive from users viewing that information on Google.

Depending on the type of content

Authorise links

On the other hand, we have to talk about, probably, the most difficult thing when it comes to create our SEO content strategy. The part of Creative SEO will probably be the most difficult, because the rest is based simply on following the rules.

Here it is a matter of choosing a specific topic for an article, taking into account the search trends. There is also a part of anticipating the future, for instance if we want to positioning a new product.

Here we can detect three different types of SEO. On the one hand, we have the Seasonal SEOon the other hand the SEO evergreen and, finally, the Punctual SEO o of events.

Seasonal SEO


The Seasonal SEO refers to those content that has the highest search volume over a given period of time. A period that also is repeated on an annual, monthly or weekly basis. For example, content about sun cream for the beach or content about sales, Black Friday or Christmas trees.

Although it is not impossible that there are out-of-time searchesIn the summer, people are likely to search for sun cream in the summer, for sales in the sales period and for Christmas trees as they start preparing for the festive season.

Searches for specific days of the week or month are also useful. For example, "happy hour bars on Tuesdays" or "tips to make ends meet". Searches will be concentrated on Tuesdays in the first case and at the end of the month in the second case.

Thus, when we work seasonal SEO content we have to bear in mind that the 90% of the results we expect will, at least, come at a certain point in time. Even so, there may be very high search volumesThe high peaks make it worth the effort.

The opposite can also happen, it can be seasonal and have low volume, so we should not be interested in working it if we are looking for profitability.

SEO evergreen

SEO evergreen

The SEO evergreenOn the contrary, they are contents that do not expire and that maintain a more or less similar interest throughout the year. For example, this article on types of SEO would fall into this category.

It is true that there are probably fewer searches during holiday periods such as August or Christmas, but in general there is nothing to imply that people are more interested in learning about types of SEO at one time of the year than at another.

This is the best SEO that can be done, because if we manage to position a content, will give us continuous visits without us having to do anything.. (That's why it is also advisable to update articles from time to time and improve them).

One-off or event SEO

Music Festival

Finally, I would like to talk about the Punctual SEO or events. This is the SEO which is less often done and only makes sense with events of great interest. In many cases, if we add the year, it can be related to the Seasonal SEO.

For example, an article about Easter in general would be SEO seasonal, but if we talk about the Easter 2024or, for example, of the Primavera Sound 2024because it would be one-off SEO. The reason is that once the event is over, the content will have expired.

However, the high level of searches it tends to receive makes it quite profitable to prepare such articles every year.

I hope that this review between the different types of SEO and how to segment them has been useful to you. Remember that if you want us to work on the SEO of your business, I can help you take it to the next level.

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Design in everyday life

An overlooked reality is that, wherever we look, we find design in our daily lives. From that moment when we open our eyes and check the time on the

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Picture of Pablo Herrera
Pablo Herrera

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