
ChatGPT: Will SEO disappear with artificial intelligence?

On December 5, 2022, Twitter dawned with this devastating thread in which it was declared, in a glowing fashion, that the Artificial Intelligence (AI)by the hand of ChatGPTIts, so far, most powerful tool, was going to change the way we do SEO and Digital Marketing forever.. In fact, we are clearly facing one of the most important marketing trends for this year.

tuiter on AI
"Artificial intelligence is going to permanently change the way digital marketing works. If you don't pay attention, you're going to be out of a job very soon. I've been playing with ChatGPT and it's going to change marketing forever".

Less than two months have passed and the issue, far from stagnating, is on the lips of almost everyone in the SEO and Digital Marketing community..

But, in case you are still not familiar with this tool, here is an update on its main features.

Created on a not-for-profit basis

OpenAIthe US company behind the phenomenon, advertises itself as "not-for-profit" and currently is valued at more than 29 billion USD

openai playground

In November 2021 it launched to the public (as previously you had to be on a waiting list to be able to access its suite) its application "playground"a kind of blank canvas that gave you an answer to the calls of the prompts or instructions provided by you.

Playground was actually an outline of ChatGPTlaunched in November 2022, with a much simpler and more intuitive interface.

How does ChatGPT work?

As any chat works, that's why this tool is being so well received. Its ease of use means that you will quickly get to grips with it.

how chatgpt works

More than one million users are currently training to ChatGPT. With your questions, feedback and corrections are made on the basis of all the information gathered. 

In addition, users assess whether the answer meets their needs, and in this way the AI learns and becomes more accurate.

What does Google think about ChatGPT?

At first glance, looking at the development capacity of this tool, the first thing that comes to mind is that having an application at hand which in a matter of seconds he is able to answer any questioncould end up with Google.

But that moment, if it comes, seems a long way off.

ChatGPT currently faces obstacles that make it neither so perfect nor so threatening. as first thought.

It's not so perfect because, for a start, is updated until December 2021. ChatGPT does not know that Spain came third in the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest.

chatgpt expertise until 2021

There are many errors of syntax and concordance when asked to write texts. It requires cross-checking the data it provides. and the texts it generates are reviewed, and that correction work is going to have to be done by a human..

Various companies that started writing AI textsThe EU's leaders are backtracking, as they see that the results are not what they had hoped for.

Would you trust a tool that gives you a single result and gives it to you as credible?

Unlike Google, ChatGPT's eagerness to save time can be a threatespecially when it comes to issues on which there is no clear objective outcome.

artificial intelligence

For this reason, AI would no longer be "democratising" decision-making capacity for the result that best suits the user's needs.

And despite the fact that, after the first outburst, the opinion on the ChatGPT has been easing, Google is still taking it seriously and has already started to move its machinery.

The first offensive against ChatGPT has given it by announcing that to launch 20 AI products and search engine chat over the coming months.

In fact, they have just announced "Sparrowstill in beta, which as a differential feature compared to ChatGPT may cite sources.

As he says Juán González Villa in this thread, among the priorities of Google highlight "Getting it not to "invent" data, the security of users and the fight against disinformation"..

They would be, in this way, attacking one of ChatGPT's main shortcomings at the moment.

Bing does not want to be left behind

Man searching the internet

BingIn this case, and without any precedent being set, it has taken the lead and in March will add ChatGPT to your browser. 

The Microsoft search platform accounts for approximately 3% of global searches.

Even if it were to achieve a considerable increase in followers, it would still fall far short of the giant Googlewhich accounts for almost 92% of the total market share.

Microsoft already carried out a billion dollar investment in 2019and rumours suggest that will invest an additional ten billion. It is clear that he is pulling out all the stops.

The problem is that ChatGPT has brutal maintenance costs, so the question remains, will Microsoft be able to cover these expenses with the sorpasso of users to your search engine?

It should be noted that Googleis an AI in itself.

Its refined algorithm is fed by all the content that circulates on the internet and today we are a long way from finding a tool that will overshadow it..

Its millions of daily searches are an example of this, so, considering the inertia it has Googlein addition to the forthcoming optimisations, it seems that Bing will continue to take a back seat in this struggle.

So... Will Google punish AI-generated content?

Because if the giant itself is going to have AI products in the first place it would seem a little bit cheater for their part to penalise users who do so.

google update

In December 2022, Google has already rolled out for all languages the Helpful Content Update

His intention was to rewarding original and useful content, made "by and for" people.

"As long as the content is useful and created primarily with people in mind, it does not matter if it is generated by an AI"

It thus puts the focus on the purpose of the content and penalises that it is created only for search enginesi.e. it penalises practices of Black Hat SEO.

It is quite complicated to generate original, useful and valuable content for the user with an AI, because these kinds of tools, after all, draw from content that is already written and published.

You won't find originality and freshness in ChatGPT.. Neither the value of the experience or the empathy that gives you something written by a person.

ChatGPT does not know its audience like a person writing for them does.These are the values that should be emphasised over the speed or ease with which the AI can perform certain tasks.

And this Google knows thisIn fact, it has always known this and has chased spam and worthless text with every update it implements.

Therefore, Google isn't really doing anything it wasn't doing before the advent of AI. or tools such as ChatGPT

Write relevant, original, fresh content, from your own experienceand you will have a better chance of having a good position in searches.

And the million-dollar question, will SEO disappear with Artificial Intelligence?

After all that has been said in this post, we seriously doubt that this is the case. ChatGPT is a excellent tool for improve the SEO of your websiteWe will be talking about it for a long time to come.


So, as with any novelty that is bursting onto the market, it is better to embrace its potential benefits rather than think that it will kill your job.

There are many ways of relying on ChatGPT to optimise certain jobs that, in SEO, are repetitive or redundant.

It can be a great ally in making Keyword Research just like other tools we already use today, but working faster (and for the time being, for free). 

keyword list with chatgpt
intended search chatgpt

In this example we have made a keyword research of the word "coffee machines" and has been requested to ChatGPT to draw out the search intentions.

If you have payment instrumentsThis information will be much more complete, as the AI does not have data on search volumes or keyword difficulty.

keyword list with semrush

It may be useful, however, if you do not have such tools or if you want to do a complementary search to your usual tool.

It can also help you to determine the difficulty of ranking between, for example, several keywords.

ranking with chatgpt

In this example we can see that it is giving an answer that differs from the one given by a more reliable (but paid) tool such as Semrushwhich would make "dolce gusto coffee machine" the most difficult keyword to rank for.

difficulty keyword research with semrush

It can inspire you to include user queries in the Frequently Asked Questions section..

frequently asked questions with chatgpt

You can also use ChatGPT to plan a content strategy

Again, as with the Keyword Research, will be helpful in your task, but it will never do it for you..

There is an almost infinite number of uses that can be made of it. ChatGPT for SEO, both with organic SEO strategies as well as when setting up an local SEO strategy. We believe you will experience a improve the SEO of your websitebut remember, if you don't generate useful and relevant content, Artificial Intelligence will be useless..

Picture of Begoña Ontiveros
Begoña Ontiveros

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