10 tips for time management at work

Time management is essential in any job. Of all the soft skills, it is probably the most necessary regardless of your sector of activity. In an increasingly fast-paced world, it is very easy not to get everything done. In sectors such as our digital marketing sector, we also find that there are always things to […]

How to make a SEO content strategy?

The first step before making a SEO content strategy can be overwhelming. There is a lot to consider. At least, if we want to do it right. We start from a basic idea: SEO content strategy seeks to offer different content to be useful to people who are going to make a purchase decision related […]

5 reasons why you shouldn’t start an online business

It is true that the Internet has democratised access to online business. Nowadays, anyone with minimal digital knowledge can access, at least, to have their own website and start selling their products or services. Well, selling are big words; but at least you can try. I am fortunate enough to spend my days and work […]

10 SEO guidelines to improve your website or ecommerce

By following a few SEO guidelines we can ensure that our content is Googlefriendly. No one can guarantee you a number 1 position in the search engine, firstly because we have no control over what the competition is doing, but what we can do is create content that is competitive and fights for the top […]

International SEO: international search engine optimisation

Do you think your customers are in multiple markets? And can your company’s products or services be distributed globally? Do you think there is a demand in the digital market for them and that you can explore it at the level of online searches? Then you have a simple answer and it’s called international SEO […]

Keyword research: tools, tips and tricks

Keyword research is one of the pillars of SEO content strategy. Perhaps the most fundamental pillar because it is where the organic positioning work begins. It is true that before we have to have delimited the topics we want to talk about but, equally, keyword research may mean that we have to open up the […]

How can the tourism sector recover from the COVID impact?

The tourism sector is suffering the worst crisis in its history and is clearly in a real emergency situation. Nowadays, whoever has a company and manages to survive, for me, is a hero. But if the company belongs to the tourism sector; we are talking about one of those superheroes from the movies that you […]

What is dwell time and how to improve it?

Dwell time is one of the most interesting metrics for SEO. It is a concept that arises in the offline world and is transferred to ecommerce before reaching organic positioning. Traditionally, dwell time was the time a person spent looking at a shop window or inside a store. It was understood that the more time […]

Core Web Vitals is here: Google’s latest update

Now, at the end of August 2021, the new update to Google’s algorithm in Core Web Vitals will be completed. They themselves have given it special importance since they announced it a year ago. They say it touches on metrics that affect the user experience. Should I be worried about a Google update? Yes, especially […]

How to do creative SEO to combine data and imagination?

Talking about creative SEO seems a contradiction in itself. To do good SEO we need to have data on our side. In fact, copy and SEO don’t always get along. While a copy seeks to relate a story in a much more creative way, SEO always tries to land that story in the information that […]